Mute/Unmute All: Mute/umute all participants that are in the meeting. You will be given a checkbox option that will decide whether you allow or not allow participants to unmute themselves.
Lock Screen Sharing: This option will prevent all other participants from being able to share their screen.
Mute on Entry: Participants will automatically mute as they enter the meeting.
Play Enter/Exit Chime: Plays a sound as participants join and leave the meeting.
Lock Meeting: You can lock your meeting so that no other participants may join.
Stop/Ask to Start Video: Stop or request to start participant's video stream.
Make Host: Grant another participant permission to be the host of the meeting. You can also Reclaim Host after making another participant the host of the meeting.
Remove: You can kick/boot participant(s) from the meeting.
Allow Record: Allow other participants the option of recording the meeting.
Rename: Rename the attendee name selection.
Put Attendee on Hold: Place a participant "on-hold", removing them from the video and audio conference. NOTE: This must be enabled on your profile settings prior to the start of the meeting.