CACWT - Guidelines for Accessing and Navigating the California Child Welfare Training system

CACWT - Guidelines for Accessing and Navigating the California Child Welfare Training system

Guidelines for Accessing and Navigating the California Child Welfare Training system

The California Child Welfare Training (CACWT) system is a statewide Learning Management System (LMS) that was implemented in January 2020 by California Department of Social Services (CDSS), California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC), and the four Regional Training Academies (RTA) in order to streamline training, workforce development, evaluation, and a single system or record to the California Child Welfare county social workers.  All CDSS funded grants that provide training and workforce development in the area of Child Welfare must be conducted through the CACWT system.  


To access the system follow the instructions listed below:  

1. Go to 

You will see this landing page: 

2. Log in with your email address and default password Changeme1!” 

(If your email address is not recognized by the system, please email . If you forgot or are unsuccessful using the default password use the Forgot Password feature.) 

3. You will then be prompted to change your password (this step will only take place during first login). 

4. User login complete.


1. Once you are logged in, you will see the Learner Dashboard and you can navigate to any of the tabs within the dashboard. 

a. Learner Dashboard: By default, upon login, the learner dashboard is visible including four enrollment panels. 

b. Active Courses Panel: Training courses that you are currently enrolled in will show up here. 

c. Completed Courses Panel: Once you have completed all requirements, the course will move here. 

d. Evaluations Tab: Evaluations required for course completion credit will display to the right of the course box. 

e. Pending Courses Panel: Instructor-led training courses that you’ve been enrolled in ahead of time will appear here until actual course start date. 

f. Learning Paths Panel: Some training courses may be part of a larger training series, and are typically taken in sequence (e.g., Common Core, Supervisor Core). Those courses will show up here. 

g. Request Credit Module: This module can be used to send a request for credit for any training hours completed outside of the CACWT System (e.g., conference attendance, or a webinar you attended). 

h. Edit Account: This module is managed by your county LMS administrator. 

2. When you click on a course in the Active Courses panel, you will be sent to a new screen in the Blackboard course delivery component. 

3. Courses are delivered in two formats: Instructor-led training and self-paced training (i.e., eLearnings).


Tutorial Video 

1. Log in to the CACWT system by going to 

You will see this landing page: 

2. Log in using your email address and the password you selected when you validated your account. 

a. If you have forgotten your password, use the forgot password feature on the sign-in screen. Click here for additional details for recovering your password. 

3. When you log in, you will see your Learner/Trainee Dashboard (shown below). Access the correct course for the TRAINING DAY from your dashboard by clicking on the name of the course (e.g., Principles of Concurrent Planning, etc.). This will open a new tab and take you from your dashboard into the course within the Blackboard Learning Management system.

4. A new tab for your course will open, (shown below): 

a. You will need to join the live session by clicking the Zoom link in order to get to your trainer (shown by Letter A, outlined in red above). 

b. Download your training materials by expanding the “Concurrent Planning Training Materials” tab (shown by Letter B, outlined in red above) - you will find your Trainee Guide and any handouts there. 

5. You trainer will inform you when it’s time to complete your evaluations. 

a. Simply go back to your Dashboard by returning to your Learner Dashboard tab at the top of your browser window. 

b. The link to access evaluations is to the right of the course title (circled in red below). Click on this link to open the list of evaluations for the course.

● First you will complete the “Pre Evaluation”. 

● When you have submitted the pre-evaluation and your Trainer has 

marked you as “Attended” for the training day, you will be able to 

complete the additional evaluations originally highlighted in red. 

6. Your training course will move into the Completed Courses panel when all requirements have been fulfilled.

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