Log into FedEx website: FedEx.com
Password: Foundation107
On the top of the webpage, click on shipping, then choose “Create a Shipment”.
This will bring you into the fillable Create a Shipment form. Make changes to the following sections on the form.
Section 1: From
Click on “Edit” to make appropriate changes in this section to reflect the person who is sending the package.
Section 2: To
Enter details of the person/company/entity who is receiving the package.
Section 3: Package & Shipment Details
Enter details for only the following details:
Shipment date
No. of packages
Weight (please use the scale in the workroom to determine how much your package(s) weigh. Make sure to round to the nearest whole number.
Service type
Package type
Section 4: Billing Details
Do not make any changes to this section. Move onto the next section.
Section: Special Services
No changes to this section. Move onto the next section.
Section: Pickup/Drop-off
Click on “Edit” to make changes on pick-up/drop-off choice
Section: Shipment Notifications
Click on “Edit” to make appropriate changes on your preferred notifications.
Notify Sender via
Notify Recipient via
Make sure to change the “Sender Email” to your email in order to receive notifications regarding your package and status of package delivery/arrival.
You also have the option of adding additional recipients and adding a personal message.
Section 5: Complete your Shipment
This is the last section. You may click on “Save for later” or “Ship” to print the label and receipt.
Once you do that make sure to check your details for accuracy.
Print label, fold label in half and affix to your package.
After this final step, you either give the package to Genel (front desk receptionist) to hold for when FedEx pick-up crew comes for your package or you take it to the destination you choose in the “Pick-up/Drop-off” section.
Please make sure to not have FedEx pick up items at the office on Fridays as Genel or Freddy are not in the office on Fridays.
Section 6: Filling out the FedEx Tracking Sheet for Fiscal
Once you have completed your shipment please fill out the FedEx Tracking Sheet with your package details.
After you have filled out the details of your shipment to the FedEx Shipping Tracking Sheet make sure to email Angie Figueroa a copy of the FedEx receipt